Berm reshaping and seeding has been accomplished! While the drought and downward trend of Bay water levels provide hope that water levels will not exceed the top of harbor walls, the modified berm will provide insurance when we face rising water levels again.
A HUGE THANK YOU is extended to all of the members (many listed below) that helped get the berm around the clubhouse reshaped and seeded. This project required a lot of effort to tame the clay (and rock) berm into a gentle slope that has been topped with soil, seeded and covered with straw mats just in time for a cool rainy week.
Another opportuity to earn points will occur on Sat June 26th starting at 9am to finish raking and seeding around the perimeter of the house and to bury drain pipes from the sump pumps to the harbor.

Special thanks to Dave Jolly for donating wider stepping stone that will make the walkway to the clubhouse more stable and wheel chair friendly.
Friday workers: Dave Quimby, Dave Gay, Dan Ensley, Dan Wassenberg, Rick Jensen, Randy Vanden Branden, Marcelo Graziotin, Chris ShawSaturday workers: Dave Quimby, Dave Gay, Dan Ensley, Dan Wassenberg, Rick Jensen, Craig Pomeroy, Randy Vanden Branden, Marcelo Graziotin, John Taylor, Chris Robinson, Frank Arios, Tom Knaus and Chris ShawSunday workers: Marcelo Graziotin, Dave Jolly, Dave Gay, Dan Ensley and Chris ShawMonday workers: Greg Kriebiel, Dave Quimby and Chris Shaw